Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bankruptcy and You....

The purpose of Bankruptcy was to give a debtor a fresh start, a new beginning. The right to declare bankruptcy derives from the Constitution. There are even Biblical references to debt forgiveness, every 7 years the jubilee. Yet, for the most part, the clients I see are ill at ease with just the thought of bankruptcy.
After all, we are taught to do the right thing, and paying our bills was high on the list of what honest folks did. The folks I see feel ashamed for having come to this point in their lives. Who wouldn't, given a choice, pay their bills rather than consider bankruptcy? Most of those I see worked all their lives, husbands, hard-working providers; wives, balancing work and home to make ends meet. No, I do not see "cheats" who are merely looking for an easy way out.
However, bankruptcy remains a legal and potent option to the average consumer buried under a mountain of debt. There is no valid reason not to file for protection in bankruptcy when you are on the edge of financial collapse. After all, don't you and your family deserve the peace of mind that financial stability brings? Or relief from the deluge of collection calls and threats? Or law suits? What wouldn't you give to know that you can feed and clothe your children and keep the wolves from your door? Now, perhaps, bankruptcy doesn't look so horrid. Allow me to walk you through the process and make it as stress-free as possible.

Learn More Here: 

 Phillip K. Evans

Passed the California State Bar in 2000 and has practiced Law for the last 10 years, 5 years have been in bankruptcy; Today this is Phillip’s area of expertise. Phillip K. Evans has filed nearly 3000 bk over the last 5 years, consumer Bks, chapter 7 and chapter 13. Phillip K. Evans is currently on the Board of Directors for the Inland Empire Bankruptcy Forum, as President.
President elect for 2011.
Bankruptcy Attorney

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